Monday 19 December 2011

my weekend...surprise!!!

my weekend....
On Sunday i had practical test grouping on First Aid...
i had to bandage victim...
facing a scenario where by there disaster happened, 
a building collapsed. 5 victims overall...
need to do triage, evacuation, and treatment...
i sweat so much...
but overall, it was fun..
then, after the test, i went to sri gombak to find something, but i could not find it.
so i decided to go to new place, where i got to go to new stores that i never been before..
really love my lonely journey..hehehe..lonely, yet full with memories..
i definitely do it again...
with somebody...hehhehehe...
i just love window shopping and walking with no purpose...hehehe..
really fun...
even so, it was very fun n interesting...
then, another event is on saturday night i managed to finished my 2nd type of
i made a rabbit doll...
looks a bit clumsy since i'm new...
the fisrt one is love shape...i posted it in my last post...
my toukkie..
that's all for now..heehehe...
thanks for reading...
please comment my 1st amigurumi doll....

Saturday 10 December 2011

Giveaway Little Crab Handmade Supply ~ Xmas...

Amazing giveaway to be given by Little Crab...
here is the link...littlecrabhandmade
really good prize to be won...hope that i am lucky enough to be d winner...

ESC '11 aka injured finger

talking about sport..
i never really gotten injured..but as time goes on,
that surely change..
my index finger was dislocated and i got bruises...
when my finger was dislocated, i could not move my finger as bone was dislocated.
then the opponent still want making goals, therefore, i corrected the dislocated bone myself...
after i did that, i can move my finger again..
it was such a relief...hehehehe
now, my finger is swollen and hemorrhage appear and it was purple in colour.
my whole index finger is swollen and it is hard for me to bend my finger now.
yesterday i went to clinic and got x-ray done on m finger.
the doctor said i was so brave to be able to pull the bone to the original place on my own.
thanks to my interest which is love to watch medical show...
plus i'm taking first aid class....
the thing that i worry is now my finger got swollen..i guess i have to wait for it to get well...
doctor said my finger will be good in 3 weeks time.
she not recommend me to use my finger for hard work for the time being...
even so, it was the best experience ever..
looking at my bend finger...hahaha...

thats all for today...

Saturday 3 December 2011

first item for sell...

first item for sell!!!

size comparison..big RM10, small RM5...
msg me if anyone nk order...
along with d colour wanted...<3

my pencil cases's history...

today, i will introduce all of u about my new pencil case...
as far as i can remember,
i think it is already been 2 years i did not pencil case for myself...
i make the pencil case by myself using items that were available at that time...
my first ever handmade pencil case was made of a dozen of zippers.
i got the inspiration from the pencil case that i bought when i went to Genting Highlands long time ago.
they sew the zippers together and make a beautiful and colourful pencil case.
the principle was so simple that i decided to make it myself.
so i bought a dozen of colourful zippers and sew them together.
the result was so good that people keep playing with my pencil case.
i'm so glad that people love it.
it is so interesting because we could choose any opening that we want...
that was my first ever handmade pencil case.
i think it happened when i was 16 years old and now i'm 23...
few years later i made another one..
and i still had it..
here is the pictures:

the other memories that is i had a pencil case made of pair of worn jeans.
i cut the bottom of the jeans and sew them together.
i made them into 2 compartments and sew them together.
one compartment for my calculator,
another one to put the pencil, pen, ruler, eraser and etc.
for both side i made a decoration by using beads.
i make a flower shape and rabbit..
plus other shapes which i cant remember now..
i still keep the pencil case but for now i did not remember where i put it...
maybe in my case of junk that i feel sayang nk buang...
then i tries crochet and made one.
i already post it in this blog..
the small pencil case that cam only fit pen, ruler and eraser..
suitable for exam..hehehehe

now, i have a new one..still using the same string from the previous pencil case.
but the size is so different. it is as big as purse, but still suitable to bring to exam as we can put handphone, calculator, utensils, scissor, tape..etc..
it tooks me 3 days to make it..the finishing touch is the felt decoration of cat and of course the zipper...
been using it for 3 days...
and will use it until i have some new ideas and make a new one...
here's the pictures:

so, how was history of pencil case...
hope u all not bored of my story...
before i ended,
here the sum of my small project that i had done in this years...
hope u like it...

thank for reading..if u have anything to ask, just ask me..hehehe...

new for it ok?

i just finished making a crochet shaped of love...
really love it cos i've been looking for ways to making the 3d crochet..
i think it is called arumugami?
i think so..hehehe...
for now i just try to do the heart shape...
done it in i think 2-3 thumb getting hurt by using the pin...
even so, i'm so happy that i finished it...
here is the picture of it...
the size is as big as the mouse as u can see...
i attached it with my phone..hope people will love it...
i wish people to buy some of my handmade..
i love when people like my work....
it encouraged me to do more and learn new skill...
but what important must come first...
that's all for now...