Monday 19 December 2011

my weekend...surprise!!!

my weekend....
On Sunday i had practical test grouping on First Aid...
i had to bandage victim...
facing a scenario where by there disaster happened, 
a building collapsed. 5 victims overall...
need to do triage, evacuation, and treatment...
i sweat so much...
but overall, it was fun..
then, after the test, i went to sri gombak to find something, but i could not find it.
so i decided to go to new place, where i got to go to new stores that i never been before..
really love my lonely journey..hehehe..lonely, yet full with memories..
i definitely do it again...
with somebody...hehhehehe...
i just love window shopping and walking with no purpose...hehehe..
really fun...
even so, it was very fun n interesting...
then, another event is on saturday night i managed to finished my 2nd type of
i made a rabbit doll...
looks a bit clumsy since i'm new...
the fisrt one is love shape...i posted it in my last post...
my toukkie..
that's all for now..heehehe...
thanks for reading...
please comment my 1st amigurumi doll....


  1. x mcm rabbit kat umah pun..hehhe..klu ade 2 kale mesti lgi lawa..

  2. thanks...amir, nk 2 kaler tunggu cuti baru blh buat...hehehe... kak ayza..first trial of amigurumi..byk lg nk kn belajar.....
