Wednesday 18 May 2011

my utensils...???

it's been ages i've updated my fill in the blank spot..
i'll would like to share with all of you the equipment that i have...
i dont have a lot since i'm still in the process of learning...
now i'm still in the process in making my sister's wedding gift..finished about 170..need 30 more...hehehe
i just cant wait till people received the goody bag...
besides that i'm also in the process of making bunga telur..
need about 100 of them...
i'm not sure whether i can finished it on time or not....
but i'll try my best...
another project is to make 2 flower balls...i've forgot the name...
without further a due..
enjoy my pics..
taken yesterday only using my phone camera..hehe...cant afford to buy camera on my own yet...

only these left..i dont know whether can make it or not...

my 1st ever pom pom ball..i used paper as the it...

here is the decoration in my room's wall..bought it at Pasaraya Sakan at to see it everytime i'm in my room...

the only hamster in my house... dont have anything to do with my doing but wanting to put it here...hehehe...
for those who read this thank you so much...i really appreciate it..leave a comment if you want to...

that's all for today...


  1. wau kak jah, excited pulak tengok gambar yang benang kait tu. bestnyaaaaa; hihik :D

  2. excited??hehehe...thanks..kak jah buat mane yg mampu nk hilang bosan sbnrnye...kat bilik xde sesape..hehehe...
