Wednesday 6 April 2011

my previous crochet...

since i was very lazy to sleep, now i want to show all of you my previous creation...
i used to make handphone bags by using crochet technique..
and i had customer who bought that from me..
i'm very thankful for those who bought my crochet..
these are some of the handphone bags, bag and pencil case that i made...

the pencil case and small pouch...
i'm still in learning process..i really hope someone can say sumthing bout my product...
thank you for reading my blog...
any questions, you can ask me on my facebook


  1. what a great crochet projects and i looked back at your quilling and it is wonderful. i look forward to seeing more projects
    Lisa ;)

  2. alahai..cantik2nya hp case cik jah ni..kemas sgt nampak..still learning ke?nampak mcm expert je..:)

  3. thanks for the comment..i really appreciate it...
    yup still learning and lots for me to explore...
    :p... <3

  4. kak lia..saya baru jer start..crochet tu pun belajar from youtube n my mum ckit...mcm expert ker???thanks..i'll improve...
